doesn't match the territory doesn't match the territory doesn't match the territory

David: Luke has approved our MIRIx app
Me: Yay!
David: and we are getting posted on the MIRIx page
Me: Nice!
Me: This is possibly more important than being posted on the Map.
Me: Though now at least one DC-based Rationalist Blog is on the Map, sort of.
David: it is?
Me: Compass Rose
Me: I changed my blog's title
David: ah, right
Me: You know what one does when the map doesn't match the territory, right?
Me: (One changes the territory.)
David: is that a running thing?
Me: Apparently it's not even an Eliezer Yudkowsky Fact.
Me: Huh.
David: well, you know what one does when the map about what one does when the map doesn't match the territory doesn't match the territory
Me: I'm afraid your map about what I know about what one does when the map about what one does when the map doesn't match the territory doesn't match the territory doesn't match the territory.

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