Pursuant to this Twitter thread:
In Xanadu
A dome decree
Where river Alph
Runs down to sea
Burma-Shave Continue reading
Pursuant to this Twitter thread:
In Xanadu
A dome decree
Where river Alph
Runs down to sea
Burma-Shave Continue reading
A parable on the difference between motives and ecological niches. Continue reading
[Epistemic status: Truth-oriented, but don't want to stake any capital on this. Read only for fun, but you might learn something.]
Currently reading Adorno and interested in this silly little video.
"Zizek" makes a good-faith effort to get people with multiple perspectives talking with each other about subjects related to the set {Wagner, automation, Judaism, Adorno, Wicca} through truly epic levels of conviviality, but they have some sort of Babel problem and can't actually communicate. This leads to a war that pretends to be about philosophical differences, but if you look at what the words cash out to they're not really more meaningful than "Hey! Hey! Hey! I wish to borrow Pakistan!" or "My neighbors suffer, Whee!" - calls to action to expropriate via organized violence, and endorsement of the same. Continue reading
The song The Sound of Silence has been on my mind, and ... what if they actually meant the lyrics? What if in lots of popular songs, people were actually trying to tell people a thing? Continue reading
Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged is set in a world in which the death dance of capitalism has reached its final stages, the state itself becoming an instrument of direct appropriation of surplus value generated by the workers. As industrialists become aware of the extractive nature of the process in which they are participating, one by one, they convert to the radical anarchism of an agitator named John Galt,* and “go on strike” to an utopian community hidden in the mountains of Colorado: Galt’s Gulch.
In Galt’s Gulch, resources are allocated to whomever can use them most productively, in an informal process; since everyone can see how their interests converge, levels of trust are high, and hoarding and shirking are basically nonproblems. People pick up whatever tasks seem needed, regardless of their profession or the ability such tasks might give them to extract rents.
This raises the obvious question: Why does anyone use money in Galt’s Gulch? Continue reading
I've used tweetmashup to get some more insight about the 2016 election.
Life was great for Trumpkowsky. If he had to sum up the state of his life in one word, that word would be Ohio: